What determines the survival of fish life stages in nursery habitats of estuaries?

Science / Life Sciences

The integration of ecology and genetics using environmental DNA (eDNA) and metabarcoding is revolutionizing the way we study biodiversity. These powerful tools allow us to study biological communities at large scales and incredible resolution, providing unprecedented insights into ecological interactions. This project will use these genetic tools to investigate the relative importance of predation and competition in shaping fish communities in tropical estuaries. Our findings will directly inform sustainable fisheries management strategies used by traditional fishing communities in protected areas in northern and northeastern Brazil.

This research addresses two of the top 100 fundamental questions in ecology: What causes the significant variability observed in the recruitment of organisms in some ecosystems? And what is the relative importance of direct versus indirect interactions in determining how species affect each other? By combining these disciplines and techniques, this project aims to provide valuable guidance for conservation and sustainable management of natural resources, particularly in complex ecosystems such as estuaries, which play a vital role in the region’s bioeconomy.

Amount invested

Grant Serrapilheira: R$ 250.000,00