Carlos Ganade


Carlos Ganade did his undergraduate work in earth sciences at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and holds a Ph.D. in geosciences from the University of São Paulo. He specializes in studying Brazilian geological formations after tectonic activity. Since 2007, he has been conducting research at the Geological Survey of Brazil. In addition to his professional pursuits, Carlos is also the father of Vinícius. A devoted fan of the São Paulo soccer team, he seldom misses a game. He also enjoys spending his free time cycling through nature and making weekly trips to the beach with his son every Saturday. Carlos greatly admires Ayrton Senna and some of his favorite books include “The Selfish Gene” by Richard Dawkins and “You’ve Got to Be Kidding, Mr. Feynman!” by Richard Feynman.


Deciphering Orogenic Superposition, Shear Zone Nucleation and Escape Tectonics in Northeastern Brazil
Science / Ciências da terra

When multiple continental collisions occur, the resulting deformation may be a superposition if the collisions are not simultaneous. If they occur concurrently, the stresses may interact. The geodynamic evolution of Northeast Brazil from 615 to 580 million years ago resulted from two collisional events. The combined stresses from these events led to an extensive network of shear zones, prompting a mass extrusion towards the northeast. This project aims to develop models of this orogenic superposition and understand the role of the shear zones in absorbing the stresses resulting from the collisions. In addition to employing a 3D multi-scale approach, the variable “time” will be incorporated to create a 4D view of the system. This will involve combining physical-chemical properties, such as pressure and temperature, for analog and numerical tectonic modeling. The ultimate goal is transforming Northeast Brazil into a natural laboratory for studying tectonic extrusion processes. This follows the precedent set by the Himalayas, where continental collisions are extensively studied.

Amount invested

1st phase: R$ 100.000,00
2nd phase: R$ 950.700,00 (R$650.700,00 + R$300.000,00 optional bonus for the integration and training of people from underrepresented groups in science)

Open Calls

Science Call 1
  • Topics
  • Continental collisions
  • Geodynamics
  • Orogenic superposition
  • Plate tectonics