Revolutionizing Rotary Engines: A flex-fuel powerhouse with variable compression ratio

Science / Engineering

Modern internal combustion engines essentially maintain the same configuration as the original engine invented by Nicolaus Otto in 1876. The advancements introduced by automakers in recent decades primarily revolve around adding peripheral systems. Moreover, flex-fuel engines, prevalent in Brazil, operate with a fixed compression ratio that is suboptimal for either gasoline or ethanol. As a result, a significant portion of the energy contained in these fuels is squandered every day. This project seeks to develop an innovative rotary engine with a variable compression ratio, facilitating optimal combustion conditions for any blend of gasoline and ethanol. Owing to its novel configuration, it promises to be more compact, efficient, environmentally friendly, and potentially more cost-effective than existing engines.

Amount invested

Grant Serrapilheira: R$ 100,000.00
  • Topics
  • Combustion motor
  • Ethanol
  • Gasoline