
Carolina Bhering de Araujo is a mathematician and full researcher at IMPA – Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics, working with an emphasis on Complex Algebraic Geometry.

Since January 2023, Bhering has been chair of the Committee for Women in Mathematics of the IMU – International Mathematical Union.


Diversity in Finite Fields and Coding Theory
Science / Events and Programs

This research workshop aims to bring together women and underrepresented minorities in mathematics, both from Brazil and abroad, to carry out joint research on Finite Fields and Coding Theory. Research topics include algebraic curves with many rational points, maximal curves, automorphism group of algebraic curves, permutation polynomials, algebraic geometry codes over curves and surfaces, lattice codes and related topics.

Amount invested

Grant 2024: R$ 30.000,00
  • Topics
  • geometria algébrica
  • impa
  • matemática