Rodolfo Leandro Nascimento Silva is a scientist who navigates the mysteries of ocean biodiversity. Born in Maceió, his childhood was marked by an innate curiosity for science, initially with the observation of ants and, later, with a deep fascination with the wonders of marine ecology.
A pioneer in a low-income family, Silva earned a bachelor’s degree in biological sciences at the Federal University of Alagoas. In this institution, he soon obtained a master’s degree in biological diversity and conservation in the tropics. He later went to Rio de Janeiro, where he completed his doctorate in biodiversity and evolutionary biology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). He also completed two postdoctoral periods, one at UFRJ and the other at the Federal University of Espírito Santo.
The biologist loves his hometown and the Jaça neighbourhood on the outskirts of Maceió. Furthermore, he retains his passion for Centro Sportivo Alagoano, his favourite team. After almost a decade of living in Rio, Silva confesses a troubled and ambiguous relationship with the beauty and chaos of the capital of Rio de Janeiro. His musical tastes include playing, dancing, and singing maracatu de baque virado, maintaining a space for rap, samba, reggae, and rock’n’roll. The biologist also continually invests in racial literacy and political training to expand the narrow limits that prevent many from entering the scientific and academic perimeter.
The project aims to build narratives about scientific practice from a diary produced during field research by biologist Rodolfo Nascimento. The research will take place in 2024, with an expedition that will collect and identify biological material at various points along the Brazilian coast. The expedition will bring together a multidisciplinary team to describe the functioning of marine biodiversity and its mechanisms.
In partnership with Nathália Cariatti from NCF Produções and Lucas Andrade from Alô, Ciência, the project will also transform the field research into an audio and visual logbook in the form of a podcast and an interactive map, bringing to the public the daily life and work of a Brazilian scientist in the field.
Scientists study biodiversity using metrics (e.g. species in a location), which capture only part of the information contained in biodiversity. This fragments the concept, which is, by nature, one. Interestingly, without integration, the more fragments we access, the further we are from understanding biodiversity. Dimensionality – the number of dimensions necessary to describe biodiversity in an effective and non-redundant way – was proposed as a solution to this paradox. Some places and biological communities have greater dimensionality than others, although it is unknown why. This is an essential question for theory and practice in ecology and conservation and is at the forefront of biodiversity studies. In this project, I will use the intimate relationship between marine benthic organisms and their habitats to answer this question.
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