Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Seeing Astronomy as a way to spark interest in science, the project aims to awaken scientific curiosity in high school students in Manaus and the surrounding region, encouraging them to adopt an inquisitive and questioning attitude towards the world and a proactive approach to seeking knowledge. The group researches, studies, and proposes science teaching methodologies with the goal of being replicated by teachers and science communicators across the country.


Projeto Cosmos
Science outreach / Art

The “Projeto Cosmos” (Cosmos Project) uses astronomy to awaken interest in science among high school students in Manaus and the region. The group researches, studies, and proposes science teaching methodologies that teachers and promoters nationwide can replicate. The objective is to encourage young people to have an inquiring and questioning attitude about the world.

Amount invested

Grant 2018: R$ 100.000,00
  • Topics
  • astronomy
  • education
  • high school
  • science outreach