Campaign #CientistaTrabalhando

In July 2020, scientists and popularizers activated the hashtag  “#CientistaTrabalhando” (#WorkingScientist) on social media to reveal the behind-the-scenes of the scientific process and the work environment of scientists. The idea was to leverage a moment when Science had taken an unprecedented role due to COVID-19 to talk about its practice.

The initiative, orchestrated by a group of popularizers who participated in the Serrapilheira Camp, started on July 8, National Day of Science. On Twitter, the most active network of the campaign, it reached almost 35 million accounts with 10,000 tweets generated. The hashtag ranked 6th in trending topics on its first day.

As part of the campaign, Serrapilheira and Bori Agency coordinated a “takeover” of columns in the press. During 28 days (July 8 to August 4), columnists altogether yielded 60 spaces to address topics related to the scientific process, both through texts written by themselves and by invited scientists.

Prestigious spaces in the press that traditionally do not discuss science were occupied, such as the columns of Miriam Leitão, Merval Pereira, and Guga Chacra in O Globo, and those of Gregório Duvivier and Hélio Schwartsman in Folha de S.Paulo.

The complete list is available here.