How does the presence of dissipative mechanisms affect the superfluid state of a quantum system?

Science / Physics

Ultracold atomic gases cooled to a few hundred nano kelvins exhibit macroscopic quantum properties, including superfluidity. In this state, the gas flows without viscosity, and any “rotation” is manifested only by the formation of quantized vortices. These vortices are not unique to ultracold gases; they also occur in superfluid helium and type-II superconductors when an external magnetic field penetrates the material. In these systems, dissipation typically results from the motion of these vortices in the presence of a current, leading to friction or finite resistance. This project investigates how dissipative mechanisms associated with the dynamics of quantized vortices affect the coherence properties of an atomic superfluid. In addition, we will explore links between these effects and phenomena observed in superconducting systems.

Amount invested

Grant Serrapilheira: R$ 350.000,00 (R$ 200.000,00 + R$ 150.000,00 optional bonuses aimed at the integration and training of individuals from underrepresented groups in science)

Open Calls

Science Call 7