
Science outreach / Journalism

“#SouDeHumanas” (#IAmAHumanitiesPerson) is a project that uses humour as a language. It is a multimedia report showing the importance of human sciences in cutting-edge projects in Brazil. The target of ridicule by government officials – and by a common sense that did not attach importance to philosophers, belletrists or sociologists, for example – the Human Sciences were one of the areas most affected by the cuts in investment in education that occurred in the country in recent years. Published by Marco Zero Conteúdo, an independent vehicle from Pernambuco with a tradition of innovative narratives, the report explains why the future of research in Brazil also depends on a renegotiation of all sciences with the Humanities, using as examples Robotics, Public Health and Astrophysics.

Coordinated by journalist Mariana Filgueiras, scriptwriter for the comedy program Greg News (HBO/Br) and former journalism professor at ECo/UFRJ, the multimedia project also includes students (in Humanities!) from the Catholic University of Pernambuco.

Browse the #SOUdeHUMANAS platform

Amount invested

Grant 2022: R$ 50.000,00
  • Topics
  • Humanities
  • interdisciplinarity