Serrapilheira Networks

Launched in 2022, the internal call aims to stimulate collaborations between scientists and science communicators, as well as between researchers from different fields already supported by the institute, planting the seeds for interdisciplinary partnerships.


Life Sciences / Journalism

fungos no território

Fungi in the territory: bringing scientific knowledge back to amazonian communities

How to return scientific information to communities while respecting traditional knowledge and wisdom?

Geosciences / Journalism

paleontologia na amazônia

Unveiling the invisible of paleontology in the Amazon

Despite being essential, the knowledge of riverine and indigenous peoples is rarely mentioned in scientific publications.

Life Sciences / Journalism

o peixe que você come

The fish you eat is not the fish you want to eat

Journalists covering food and scientists studying marine life will together examine a symbolic case of environmental degradation for all of Brazil.

Education / Life Sciences

escola viva potiguara

Planting a living Potiguara school: intercultural dialogues connecting ecology and revitalizing the native language

Production of scientific communication and educational materials through foundational workshops.

Life Sciences / Podcast

diario de bordo

Logbook: scientific narratives in the Ocean Decade

Building narratives about scientific practice from the field diary of biologist Rodolfo Nascimento.

Life Sciences / Journalism

campos rupestres

Journey into the mysteries of the biodiversity of the Rupestrian Fields

A documentary series records the daily routine of researchers in the execution of an ecology project.

Computer Science / Journalism

as big 5

The Big Five and the platformization of the climate emergency

Report on the “platformization of the climate emergency” from the calculation of the carbon footprint of the Big Five.

Journalism / Mathematics / Chemistry

quem contamina nossas aguas

Who pollutes our waters?

Project cross-references information on treated water contamination with data on polluting sources to reveal the origin of toxic substances that reach taps across the country.

Life Sciences / Geosciences / Journalism

o mar que habita em mim

The sea within me: connected ecosystems to strengthen ocean culture in Brazil

What is the journey and impact of a PET bottle cap thrown into a river in the Northeast interior until it reaches the sea?

Documentary / Geosciences

Nas nuvens

In the Clouds

Documentary brings the science that studies the mechanisms of rain production in the Amazon rainforest closer to the everyday experience and knowledge of Brazilians about the climate.

Computer Science / Events and Programs

Rio 60º

Rio 60º

Multimedia platform with data visualization and scientific illustrations on climate resilience science.


Computer Science / Life Sciences

mapeamento de áreas de risco

Mapping high-risk mosquito infestation areas on a large geographical scale

Creating a robust framework for large-scale risk mapping, supporting arbovirus surveillance.

Life Sciences / Geosciences

fatores atrópicos

Unraveling the importance of anthropogenic and climatic factors on the evolution of Amazonian landscapes

Understanding the importance of anthropogenic and climatic legacies on Amazonian landscapes.

Computer Science / Geosciences

dinâmica biogeoquimica

Data-driven biogeochemical dynamics

Fábio Pereira dos Santos and Fabrício Caxito aim to predict, identify, or even control biogeochemical changes using mathematical equations.

Life Sciences / Physics

universalidade de interações ecológicas

The universality of ecological interactions

Raul Costa-Pereira and Thiago Fleury seek to explore the potential universality of ecological interactions.

Life Sciences / Chemistry

biossensor preditivo

Development of a predictive biosensor for Cytokine release syndrome

Project to reduce severe clinical events and hospitalization time in cancer treatments.