Aerial view of the Amazônia rainforest. Credit: Bela Baderna/ Serrapilheira Institute

Technical note

Rainfall from Amazonian Indigenous Territories accounts for 57% of Brazil’s agricultural income

Survey warns that R$ 338 billion of Brazil’s economy is at risk due to environmental degradation in Indigenous Territories

Del Bem genes

Life Science

How plants “borrowed” genes from fungi and bacteria

Evolution builds complexity from simplicity, new study finds

Check out our Annual Report and Financial Statements 2023

Another year of commitment to excellence through diversity and strengthening the field of Brazilian ecology

Every week, the Serrapilheira blog in Folha de S.Paulo looks at fundamental issues in science from the point of view of young researchers.


“Politics pose the greatest challenge for conservation.”

Ecology expert Anne Magurran dedicates herself to bridging the gap between scientists and politicians.

Life Science

The Challenge of Using Models to Study Alzheimer’s Disease

UFRGS neuroscientist Eduardo Zimmer’s group employed systems biology to validate the effectiveness of current models in studying the disease and the results are promising.


Is Consciousness Just Math?

To pretend or to realize: The mathematical theories of our perception of the world.


We support research projects that contribute to fundamental knowledge in natural sciences, mathematics, and computer science. Get to know the supported scientists:

Elisson - home

Life Sciences

Elison Floriano

Floriano investigates the knowledge and practices of the Terenas about the use, customs and management of native bees in the villages of the Aquidauana Pantanal.

Patricia - home


Patrícia Castilho

Castilho studies how dissipative mechanisms related to the dynamics of quantized vortices affect the coherent properties of an atomic superfluid.

Guilherme Oliveira - home


Guilherme de Oliveira

New statistical modeling techniques to estimate the incidence of infectious diseases in regions with small populations and poor quality data.

Journalism and Media

The program supports initiatives that can contribute to enhancing the quality of public discourse on science through journalism and media. Get to know the projects:

wisnel - home


O Haiti é, também, aqui

Geographer Wisnel Joseph tells the story of Haiti and Haitians in diaspora, making science out of his own life.

catarinas - home


Narrando Utopias

In this fifth season, the podcast will talk about agroecology as a way out of the climate crisis.

speck - home


Como reconstruir uma cidade

Based on the experience of Rio Grande do Sul, the project investigates how cities can prepare for and adapt to the climate crisis.