Edson Sampaio


Mathematician Edson Sampaio began his career at the Federal University of Ceará, where, in addition to his master’s degree, he also earned a doctorate in mathematics. He was a postdoc at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics in Bilbao, Spain. With a research focus on geometry, Edson investigates the geometric and metric properties of analytic sets.

Now a professor at the UFC, Edson is still part of the Topology and Singularities group. Outside the classroom, he devotes his free time entirely to his family, the part that, according to Edson, makes his life lighter and more enjoyable. Married to chemical analyst Syndel, the mathematician is also the father of Elis and Edson Jr.  He loves a good barbecue with family and friends to the rhythm of an old forró and binge-watching series and anime.


Lipschitz Invariants of Singularities
Science / Mathematics

The challenge of this project is to produce fundamental advances in the Lipschitz geometry of singularities and, more generally, in the theory of singularities and algebraic geometry, by developing a metric algebraic topology that satisfies the computational tools of ordinary algebraic topology, while also capturing subtle metric phenomena and, in particular, distinguishing objects that are topologically the same but metrically distinct. With this theory in hand, we plan to make significant contributions to several problems in singularity theory and algebraic geometry. Many of these problems are among the most important in their respective fields of study. For example, Zariski’s multiplicity conjecture, which states that the multiplicity of complex hypersurfaces is an invariant of immersed topology, was conjectured more than 50 years ago by Oscar Zariski and is the most important problem in the classical field of equisingularity.

Amount invested

2022 Grant: R$ 569,535.32

Open Calls

Science Call 5
  • Topics
  • analytical sets
  • geometry