Renata Libonati dos Santos


Renata Libonati, a meteorologist, often finds herself explaining her profession to her son’s school, especially when he mentions that she conducts controlled burns in forest areas for the purpose of capturing photographic records via drones or satellites. She reassures them that she does not “set forest fires” indiscriminately. A graduate of the University of Lisbon, Renata continued her academic journey at the same institution up to her post-doctorate. Her research provides crucial insights into the Amazon and its relationship with fires. In her personal life, Renata is a mother to an eight-year-old son and a twelve-year-old daughter. She enjoys cooking pasta and risotto for her family, a culinary leaning influenced by her Italian heritage that she is eager to nurture.

Open Calls

Science Call 1


Deciphering Fire-Vegetation-Atmosphere Interrelationships: Unraveling the fire regime in the Amazon and Cerrado using remote sensing
Science / Ciências da terra

Climate extremes, coupled with pressures from agriculture and grazing, have increased fire incidents in the Amazon and Cerrado. The interplay between human-induced pressures, climate conditions, and vegetation responses can potentially create positive feedback loops, exacerbating ecosystem degradation. Remote sensing turns out to be an invaluable tool for comprehending the key characteristics of this fire regime. It facilitates the observation of expansive and inaccessible areas. Moreover, the use of satellite data enables the identification of the primary factors driving fires in these regions.

Amount invested

R$ 103,396.20
  • Topics
  • Amazonia
  • cerrado
  • Fire
  • Remote sensing
  • Vegetation