Biofábrica de corais



Um mar de histórias
Science outreach / Podcast

Who better to tell the secrets of the sea than marine animals? In this children’s educational podcast program, the corals Mille (Millepora alcicornis) and Mussi (Mussismilia harttii) receive a unique recorder and become reporters. They talk about the reef environment’s day-to-day life with their friends and other marine animals who live on the Porto de Galinhas beach in the municipality of Ipojuca, in Pernambuco.

Um “Mar de Histórias” (A Sea of Stories) is an initiative by students from the Radio, TV and Internet and Design courses at the Federal University of Pernambuco. The project also counts on the collaboration of teachers, students and professionals from other areas, such as biology, ecology, communication and computer science. The team is part of the Coral Biofactory, a project by the Luiz Accioly Enzymology Laboratory (LABENZ) from the Department of Biochemistry at UFPE, which aims to generate products, goods and processes for the conservation of Brazilian corals.


Script, Production and Social Media
Carol Jeronimo
Thalia Santana
Original soundtrack and technical works
Ricardo Terto
Illustration and Website
Juliana da Costa
Social Media Designer
Jefferson Roberto
Lucas Lima
Rony Severiano
Guidance and Review
Gabriela Moreno
Gisele Regatão
Paula Reis
Website collaboration
Bruno Leão
Coordination of the Coral Biofactory
Ranilson Bezerra
Ruda Fernandes

Amount invested

Grant 2020: R$ 50.000,00