Since 2018, the program has supported more than 95 scientific dissemination projects. It is currently focused on professional media and journalism initiatives.
“Axé das Plantas” (The Axé of Plants) discusses the phytotherapeutic properties of plants with priests and pharmacology researchers.
The project aims to develop research on the impact of online platforms on Brazilian democracy.
Coordinated by Sérgio Spagnuolo and Jade Drummond, the platform monitors the presence of science on social media.
One of Latin America’s leading events in journalism and entrepreneurship, the 3i Festival is back in Rio de Janeiro for its 5th national edition.
The project will map and create profiles of approximately 200 researchers, scientists, and knowledge centers in the Amazon.
“Cerrado, berço das águas do Brasil” (Cerrado, Cradle of Brazil’s Waters) will present data on the conservation status of Cerrado waters in an educational manner.
The “Ciência Suja” (Dirty Science) podcast presented by Theo Ruprecht and Thais Manarini tells stories about crimes against science.
Coordinated by Alyne Costa and Fernando Silva e Silva, the “Coleção Desnaturadas” (Desnaturadas collection) will publish works by scientists and theorists from different fields of science.
“Como reconstruir uma cidade” (How to Rebuild a City) focuses on science communication about how cities can prepare for and adapt to the climate crisis.
The documentary “Correnteza” (Current) follows the actions of the National Health Force volunteers after the environmental disaster in RS.
“Laboratógio de Geojornalismo” (Geojournalism Laboratory) encourages journalists to use geoscience data when covering environmental issues.
“Mexericos na “Maré” (Tidal Dirt) explores critical issues at the intersection of scientific development and the well-being of traditional communities.
“Narrando Utopias” (Narrating Utopias) inspires hope as it explores the power of collective action and knowledge to build a more just and equitable future.
In “O Haiti é, também, aqui” (Haiti Is Also Here), geographer Wisnel Joseph tells the story of Haiti and Haitians in diaspora, making a science out of his life.
“Operações Negras” (Black Ops) tells the story of Math, a young Black man who excels in math and works as an educator at a homeless shelter.
“Outra Visão” (Another View) shows how the lack of official criminal investigation contributes to perpetuating the cycle of violence in the Maré favela complex in the North Zone of Rio de Janeiro.
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