Brazilian Reproducibility Initiative

Science / Open Science

Over the past two decades, Brazilian science has seen a substantial increase in volume. However, the surge in articles does not necessarily equate to progress in Brazilian science, considering that a significant portion of the scientific literature in the biomedical field is not reproducible. Without empirical data on the reproducibility of published results, the scientific community and funding agencies cannot accurately assess the country’s science and technology policies. The Brazilian Reproducibility Initiative, founded by physician and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) professor Olavo Amaral, seeks to address this issue by systematically replicating a sample of Brazilian science experiments through a multicenter approach.

The Initiative concluded its work in the first half of 2024, and as a result of the project, the Brazilian Reproducibility Network was created to promote transparent and reliable practices in the country’s scientific community.

Amount invested

Grant 2018: R$ 160.964,35
Grant 2019: R$ 1.000.000,00
Additive 2022: R$ 52.631,58
  • Topics
  • experiments
  • Open data
  • Open science
  • replication
  • reproducibility