Fetoscopic Intervention for Enhanced Neurological Outcomes in Neural Tube Defects

Science / Life Sciences

In Brazil, neural tube defects (NTDs) pose a significant public health challenge, with prevalence rates varying from 1.3 cases per birth in São José dos Campos, SP, to 5 cases per birth in Recife, PE. NTDs can lead to severe neurological outcomes for both the fetus and the newborn, including paraplegia, intestinal and urinary dysfunction, hydrocephalus, and developmental neurological abnormalities. Historically, postnatal surgical intervention has been the standard treatment, but it has been deemed less effective than prenatal correction of the defect, which appears to enhance the neurological prognosis for affected individuals. Open fetal surgery has been employed to treat human fetuses with NTDs. However, the invasive nature of this procedure is linked to high maternal-fetal morbidity. Therefore, developing a new, minimally invasive surgical technique, such as endoscopic surgery, is desirable. This approach could potentially reduce risks for both the mother and the fetus.

Amount invested

R$ 100,000.00

Open Calls

Science Call 1
  • Topics
  • Neural tube
  • NTD
  • saúde pública