What are the molecular bases of fungus-plant symbiotic associations?

Science / Chemistry

Complex microbial communities colonize plants. Some microorganisms take on pathogenic characteristics and can lead to diseases, while others promote beneficial associations with the host plant and contribute to its growth and even defense against predators. The strategies molecular structures used by pathogens are well established. However, the chemical mechanisms involved in symbiotic associations are unknown. Our hypothesis suggests that microorganisms can use molecular elements from plants, used as a defense to build their molecules and circumvent the host defenses. In this way, it establishes itself asymptomatically. Understanding the complex mechanisms of nature is the first step towards developing safe strategies to protect plants against microbial diseases, contributing positively to our agriculture.

Amount invested

Grant Serrapilheira: R$ 331.666,67
Grant Fapesp: R$ 463.333,33

Open Calls

Chamada 6