Ian Michael Trotter

Computer Science

Ian Trotter, a computer scientist from Norway, is on a quest to overcome a mathematical challenge known as the “Bellman’s curse.” This curse, as it’s referred to among mathematicians, imposes a limit on the statistical understanding of systems with abundant dimensional information. To tackle this issue, Trotter is developing mathematical models for statistical approximations. He is a professor in the Department of Rural Economy at the Federal University of Viçosa. Trotter’s academic journey began at the University of Oslo, where he completed his undergraduate and master’s degrees in computer science. In 2016, he further expanded his expertise by earning a PhD in applied economics from the University of Viçosa.


Can Quantum Computing Break the "Bellman Curse?"
Science / Computer Science

Stochastic dynamic optimization, a powerful tool for decision-making under uncertainty, faces a formidable challenge when dealing with many variables: the “Bellman curse.” This computational barrier, characterized by exponential growth in complexity, renders traditional approaches impractical for many real-world problems. However, the advent of approximation methods has opened avenues for finding high-quality solutions to specific problems, reigniting interest in overcoming the Bellman curse. The objective of this project is to delve into these methods. We aim to develop new algorithms rooted in reinforcement learning and multiresolution methods while exploring alternative computational paradigms, including concurrent computing and quantum computing.

Amount invested

R$ 95,000.00

Open Calls

Science Call 1
  • Topics
  • Algorithm
  • Bellman curse
  • Machine learning
  • Quantum computing