Previous Councils

Scientific Council (2020 to 2023)

Chaired by Marcelo Viana.

Life Sciences

Antonio Coutinho

Champalimaud Foundation (Portugal)

Faith Osier

Heidelberg University Hospital (Germany) and KEMRI Wellcome Trust Department of Biosciences (Kenya)

Simon Levin

Princeton University (USA)

Thomas Lovejoy

George Mason University (USA)


Luiz Davidovich

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Marcela Carena
Departamento de Física Teórica no Fermilab (EUA)


Marcelo Viana

Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada

Sun-Yung Alice Chang

Princeton University (USA)


Vanderlan Bolzani

Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho em Araraquara (Unesp)

Science Communication

Deborah Bloom

MIT Knight Science Journalism (USA)


Scientific Council (2017 to 2020)

Chaired by Edgar Dutra Zanotto, the first Scientific Council of Serrapilheira from 2017 to 2020 was made up of 11 scientists. The group, composed of both Brazilians and foreigners, was distributed as follows: 50% of the members affiliated with Brazilian institutions, 50% based outside of Brazil.


Ana Carolina Carnaval

City College of New York

Fatima Maria de Souza Moreira

Universidade Federal de Lavras

Vanessa Sperandio

UT Southwestern Medical Center

Mayana Zatz

Universidade de São Paulo


Edgar Dutra Zanotto

Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Paulo J. M. Monteiro

University of California, Berkeley


Luiz Davidovich

Academia Brasileira de Ciências


Cristina P. de Campos

University of Munich


Étienne Ghys

École Normale Supérieure de Lyon

Amie Wilkinson

University of Chicago


Stevens Rehen

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


Oswaldo Luiz Alves

Universidade de Campinas


Previous Board Members

In the Administrative Board, each member serves a minimum term of three years, and every year a member who has completed this period is replaced. The chair of the Scientific Advisory Board will always be one of the CA members during the time they hold this position.


Edgard Zanotto (from 2017 until 2024)

Universidade Federal de São Carlos Carlos

Fernando Reinach (from 2017 until 2021)

Pitanga Fund

Luiz Orenstein (from 2017 until 2024)

Dynamo Administração de Recursos

Marcelo Viana (from 2020 until 2023)
Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada

Pedro Wongtschowski (from 2017 until 2020)

Ultrapar Group