Deciphering Plant-Pollinator Relationships in the Cerrado with DNA Metabarcoding

Science / Life Sciences

Pollination, an indispensable ecosystem service for biodiversity and food security, is meticulously executed by bees, whose life cycle hinges on the pollen they collect from flowers. However, the alarming decline of bee species and the challenges posed by their conservation partly stem from our limited understanding of their intricate interactions with plants. To address this knowledge gap, this groundbreaking project will employ an innovative DNA sequencing technique known as DNA metabarcoding to comprehensively identify all the plants visited, and potentially pollinated, by bees in the Cerrado, Brazil’s vast and biodiverse savanna. This will be achieved by extracting genetic barcodes from the pollen samples collected from bee nests. This novel approach, which surpasses existing methods in terms of speed and efficiency, will empower us to unravel numerous enigmas surrounding the role of bees in preserving the Cerrado’s exceptional biodiversity, the impact of bee pollination on the region’s agricultural productivity, and the effects of habitat loss and climate change on bee populations.

Amount invested

R$ 100,000.00
  • Topics
  • Abelhas
  • cerrado
  • Polinização
  • Produção de alimento