Alexander Birbrair

Life Sciences

Alexander Birbrair, a biomedical doctor, earned his doctorate in neuroscience from Wake Forest University in the United States. His thesis was won the Gordon A. Melson Outstanding Doctoral Student Award in 2014/2015. Birbrair furthered his studies with post-doctoral work in cell biology at the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in New York. His work gained notable recognition when it was featured on the cover of the esteemed journal Science in 2016.

His research is primarily focused on cancer. Birbrair is interested in the mechanisms of the cellular microenvironment in regulating cancer cells, with a particular emphasis on the role of the peripheral nervous system in this regulation. He is an affiliate member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and a member of the Global Young Academy.


Regulation of Prostate Cancer by the Peripheral Nervous System
Science / Life Sciences

Prostate cancer is a global health concern affecting men worldwide. The behavior of cancer cells is influenced by the components of the tissue microenvironment they inhabit. Therefore, it is crucial to identify these constituents and comprehend their impact on tumor development. It is well-established that the peripheral nervous system plays a vital role in the growth and maintenance of the prostate. However, we are just starting to understand the function of nerve projections and their associated cells in the progression of prostate cancer. This project aims to delve into the role of the peripheral nervous system within the tumor microenvironment. The findings from this research could potentially pave the way for an innovative therapeutic approach to treating prostate cancer and other similar conditions.

Amount invested

1st phase: R$ 100,000.00
2nd phase: R$ 1,000,000.00 (R$ 700,000.00 + 300,000.00 optional bonus for the integration and training of people from under-represented groups in science)

Open Calls

Science Call 1
  • Topics
  • câncer
  • Microenvironment
  • Peripheral nervous system
  • Prostate cancer
  • Tumor cells