Rafael Silva


Rafael Silva, a chemist, is searching for the perfect fuel. His research focuses on the composition processes of molecular hydrogen. He earned his degree and master’s in chemistry from the State University of Maringá. He ventured to Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey in the United States for his doctorate in chemical biology. To Rafael, science is akin to possessing a superpower that unlocks doors and answers enigmatic questions, making a childhood dream come true. In addition to his groundbreaking research, he is a lecturer at the State University of Maringá.


Harnessing Molecular Hydrogen from Wastewater Treatment: A sustainable path to a cleaner future
Science / Chemistry

Molecular hydrogen (H2) has long been hailed as the “fuel of the future” due to its high energy density per mass unit of H2 – approximately 30 times greater than that of TNT – and the fact that its use as a fuel results in the sole byproduct of water. However, the challenge lies in its large-scale production, which is currently cost-prohibitive. Furthermore, H2 is a primary input for the production of nitrogen fertilizers around the world, posing a significant hurdle to boosting worldwide agricultural production. Our project aims to address the challenge of producing cost-effective H2 . We are exploring the potential of using organic compounds found in industrial effluents, sewage, and contaminated lakes and rivers as precursors. We aim to establish a new chemical pathway for producing H2 from these contaminating organic materials, a method we anticipate will be more efficient than existing processes. In addition to providing a viable means of H2 production, this approach offers the added benefit of decontaminating water bodies, thereby serving dual purposes in energy production and environmental conservation.

Amount invested

R$ 100,000.00

Open Calls

Chamada 1
  • Topics
  • Effluents
  • Fuel
  • H2
  • Molecular hydrogen
  • sustainability