Amerek | UFMG

Science outreach / Art

Amerek is an innovative, transdisciplinary, professional specialization course in public science communication. Students and teachers from different areas will study and create together, crossing the territories of scientific journalism, science teaching, institutional and business communication, science centres and museums. The keywords are hacking and quick fix: international research in the areas of social studies of science and technology, public opinion, communication in digital media and social participation mechanisms in ST&I meet innovative practices of knowledge appropriation that come from the artistic world from media and social platform professionals, data science, maker movements and citizen science.

Amount invested

Grant 2018: R$ 100.000,00
Grant 2019: R$ 100.000,00
Additive 2022: R$ 62.700,00
  • Topics
  • public communication
  • science outreach
  • Specialization
  • ufmg