Is the CAMKII pathway a central regulator of cardiomyocyte dysfunction and T. cruzi parasite load during the implementation of chagasic cardiomyopathy?

Science / Life Sciences

Chagas disease is caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi and was initially studied by Brazilian researcher Carlos Chagas. Patients with the disease can develop gastrointestinal and especially cardiac problems, which, when present, can become very debilitating. Our research group has dedicated itself over the last decade to identifying cellular aspects of the parasite and host cells that determine the development of the cardiac form of the disease, the most serious. In this proposal, we seek to answer questions such as: is the CAMKII pathway a central regulator of cardiomyocyte dysfunction and the parasitic load of T. cruzi during the implementation of chagasic cardiomyopathy? We aim to simultaneously attenuate parasite replication and prevent/treat severe host symptoms. The success of our proposal will substantially change the treatment for Chagas disease, which is still limited, optimizing healthcare costs and improving the quality of life of those affected.

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Chamada 6