Niche Evolution in Tropical Biomes and Its Consequences

Science / Life Sciences

Why are there so many plant species in tropical regions? This question has driven the work of naturalists such as Alexander von Humboldt and Charles Darwin for centuries, but we still know relatively little about the processes that led to the diversity patterns we observe today.

This project aims to generate ecological information for hundreds of plant species in Brazil, and to refine mathematical models and ecological theories about biodiversity. We will then integrate these new ecological models and data with state-of-the-art bioinformatics and plant genetics tools to test hypotheses about the processes of diversification and maintenance of biodiversity in threatened ecosystems, such as the rupestrian fields of Chapada da Diamantina and the inselbergs (or sugar loaves) of southeastern Brazil.

Amount invested

1st phase: R$ 100,000.00
2nd phase: R$ 1,000,000.00 (R$ 700,000.00 + R$ 300,000.00 optional bonus for the integration and training of people from underrepresented groups in science)
  • Topics
  • Chapada da Diamantina
  • inselbergs
  • plants
  • tropical regions