Press Occupation: #ScienceInElections

In July 2022, we organized a new takeover of newspaper columns under the hashtag #ScienceInElections. Throughout the month, columnists and bloggers yielded space to scientists, opinion leaders, and policymakers for reflections on the role of Science in rebuilding Brazil. This initiative highlighted the interconnection between politics and Science, as well as its embedding in public interest issues—economy, education, health, environment, culture, and more.

Using the National Day of Science, July 8, as a hook, we made July the “Month of Science,” repeating an experience from 2020 when we organized the #WorkingScientist column takeover to reflect on the scientific process.

The #ScienceInElections initiative occupied 117 spots in over 20 media outlets. The takeover began with an article by Gilberto Gil in the Folha de S.Paulo’s Ilustríssima section titled “Glitter beyond the dark night.”

Here is the list of all the articles.