Quantum Simulation with Atomic Systems

Science / Physics

Describing a multi-particle system poses a significant challenge, even for the most powerful supercomputers. Quantum simulation, a vibrant research field, spans numerous areas of physics, including atomic, molecular, optical, condensed matter, nuclear, gravitational, high-energy physics, and quantum information science. The goal of quantum simulation is to tackle pertinent yet unresolved physical systems by “synthesizing” them on experimental quantum platforms, thereby enabling direct measurement of these models’ properties. This approach is encapsulated in Feynman’s statement: “Nature isn’t classical, and if you wish to simulate nature, you’d better make use of quantum mechanics. It’s a fascinating problem because it doesn’t seem easy.” Consequently, our research has been focused on developing methods to describe generic quantum simulators using Rydberg atoms, which are characterized by their exaggerated electronic properties.

Amount invested

1st phase: R$ 100,000.00
2nd phase: R$ 1,000,000.00 (R$ 700,000.00 + R$ 300,000.00 optional bonus for the integration and training of people from underrepresented groups in science)
  • Topics
  • Atomic systems
  • Quantum simulation
  • Rydberg atoms