Since 2018, the program has supported more than 95 scientific dissemination projects. It is currently focused on professional media and journalism initiatives.
“Ciência na Amazônia” (Science in the Amazon), directed by Kátia Brasil, shows how Bolsonaro’s government has affected researchers in the Amazon region.
“Ciência para um futuro sistentável na Amazônia” (Science for a sustainable future in the Amazon) reports investigates possibilities for a sustainable future for Amazon forests.
Coordinated by Maia Fortes and Géssika Costa, “Como cobrir: ciência” (How to Cover: Science) aims to expand and improve the quality of science content in the Brazilian press.
Coordinated by João Peres and Maíra Mathias, “Da mesa à ciência” (From the Table to Science) aims to popularize the scientific debate on ultra-processed foods.
Presented by Taís Oliveira, “Dez anos depois” (Ten Years Later) features interviews with experts about the ten years of the Quota Law.
Coordinated by Victor Oliveira, the “É tudo mentira?” (Is it all a lie?) address misinformation, its scientific nuances, and its societal impacts.
“Evidências em Debate” (Evidence Under Debate) seeks to identify how scientific evidence is introduced into the political debate.
“Fraude na ciência não” (No Fraud in Science), by Sleeping Giants, identifies and investigates the financial sustainability of the science-related disinformation industry.
“Helipa na Ciência” (Helipa in Science) is a podcast-videocast, produced by João Victor, connecting the scientific community to the largest favela in São Paulo.
Directed by Thales Vieira, “Nenhum saber para trás” (No Knowledge Left Behind) questions which epistemologies will build Brazil’s science in the future.
Coordinated by journalist Marina Menezes, “Ponto Futuro” (Future Point) envisions possible futures based on key themes that will transform Brazil in the coming years.
“Quando a justiça ignora a ciência” (When Justice Ignores Science) investigates the misuse of scientific knowledge in the justice system.
“Yes, nós temos ciência psicodélica” (Yes, we have psychedelic science) by journalist Carlos Minuano will address the history of psychedelic science in Brazil.
The “1st Brazilian Congress on Scientific Outreach” aimed to expand the debate on science and scientific outreach.
Carol Almeida curates the series “A Ciência Como Ela É” (Science as It Is) bringing together literature and science to think about new worlds.
At “Admirável novo mundo” (Brave New World) investigates what scientists know and what they still ignore about human occupation in the Americas.
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