Since 2018, the program has supported more than 95 scientific dissemination projects. It is currently focused on professional media and journalism initiatives.
Presented by neuroscientist Stevens Rehen, “Trip Com Ciência” (Science Trip) seeks to reveal that science is closely linked to people’s daily lives.
Um “Mar de Histórias” (A Sea of Stories) narrate the characters Mille and Mussi in the children’s program that addresses the biology of coral reefs.
Serrapilheira and IMPA hosted a series of six public lectures by renowned mathematicians and scientists during the IMPA-Serrapilheira Mathematics Dissemination Cycle.
“Cientista Beta” (Beta Scientist) engages school-age students and teachers in scientific initiation and research-based learning through programs.
Fernanda Viégas, a leading data visualization expert from Google, participated in the 2018 Coda.Br, Brazil’s first conference focused on data journalism, in partnership with the Google News Initiative.
“Computação Sem Caô” (No Nonsense Computing), created by Ana Carolina da Hora, is a YouTube video series that explains algorithms and aims to democratize computer science.
First World Meeting of Women in Mathematics (WM)² , fostering international dialogue on gender disparity in mathematics.
The minidocs “Fator F” (F Factor) and “Potência N” (N Power) highlight the challenges faced by female researchers advocating for inclusive policies like racial quotas to address gender and racial disparities in academia.
“Imersão Amazônia” (Amazon Immersion) created by “Projeto Sonora” (Sonora Project), offers visitors an exploration of the Amazon’s species and ecosystem in various locations.
Children’s Literature for Math Education: the group developed children’s literature and accessible e-books to enhance mathematical teaching and influence teacher practices.
The “Open Box da Ciência” (Open Box of Science) project compiled databases and visually communicated the roles of women and Black individuals in Brazilian science across five fields.
The “Projeto Cosmos” (Cosmos Project) in Manaus uses astronomy to spark scientific curiosity among high school students and develops replicable science teaching methods nationwide.
The 2nd Rabeco meeting at Unicamp brought together seasoned environmental journalists and scientists to discuss effective ways of communicating Brazilian ecological research to the public.
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