Since 2018, the program has supported more than 95 scientific dissemination projects. It is currently focused on professional media and journalism initiatives.
“Cientistas na linha de frente” (Scientists on the Front Line) tells the story of researchers attacked for their studies.
Filmmaker Bárbara Marcel transformed the Torre Alta da Amazônia Observatory into a radio transmission station for the documentary “Cine-Cipó” (Vine Cinema).
The podcast “Com Ciência Negra” (With Black Knowledge), by Lorena Nascimento, tells stories of black scientists changing the tone of science in Brazil.
The project “CoronaVerificado” (CoronaVerified) by Agência Lupa analyzed and produced analytical content on disinformation surrounding COVID-19.
In Sanitation is Basic!, journalists Gabriele Roza and Gilberto Vieira narrate the struggles and achievements of Maré residents and scientists for basic sanitation policies.
Under the coordination of bioanthropologist Mariana Inglez, “Evolução para Todes” (Evolution for All) seeks to improve scientific outreach in anthropology and evolution.
“Física de fronteira para a sala de aula” (Frontier Physics for the Classroom) course equips teachers with tools to teach high school students about complex physics topics like dark matter and black holes.
Franjinha and Milena in Search of Science follows the scientific characters of Monica’s Gang.
Journalists Jéssica Maes and Nathália Silva travel to Brazil to tell stories about endangered species.
Biologist and multimedia promoter Hugo Fernandes aims to popularize science in Brazil and make it a fundamental part of the public debate.
Under the command of Lilian Fraiji, LABVERDE embarks on a journey involving art, science, and ecology from different perspectives of the Amazon rainforest.
Presented by professor Viviane Alves, the podcast addresses curiosities about microbiology and how these beings are essential to the planet.
With the goal of showing that science can be done by everyone and for everyone, researchers Mila Laranjeira and Vivi Mota run the Peixe Babel channel on YouTube.
The “Joio e o Trigo” (The Tares and the Wheat) team investigates the relationship between food, health and power in the podcast.
In “Seres invisíveis” (Invisible Beings), Dorion Sagan presents 50 microorganisms based on the extensive research of biologist Lynn Margulis, his mother.
Led by artist and researcher Cinthia Mendonça, Silo brings together artists and scientists for greater integration between science and society.
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