Alma Preta



Nenhum saber para trás
Science outreach / Digital Media, Youtube

The Observatório da Branquitude (Whiteness Observatory) survey carried out in May 2022 showed that among the 302 deans of public higher education institutions in Brazil, 294 are white, demonstrating an overrepresentation of the racial group, representing 43% of the population. The central argument of this project is based on the following question: which epistemologies will build science in Brazil tomorrow? Epistemology is, as Grada Kilomba proposes, the science of acquiring knowledge. Therefore, the mini-documentary questions the dangers of white and colonial science, intended as universal and proposes, through the encounter of knowledge, that the production of knowledge necessary for science to be a driver of positive social transformations in Brazil necessarily go through different epistemologies and that this must be reflected from the promotion of science to the scientific bureaucracy in Brazil.

Watch here.

Recursos investidos

Grant 2022: R$ 50.000,00
É tudo mentira?
Science outreach / Journalism

Alma Preta journalism, Aláfia Lab and *desinformante produced, in partnership, the series “É tudo mentira?” (Is it all a lie?), a weekly journalistic program aiming to address the topic of disinformation, its scientific nuances and its impacts on society. Approaching the scientific knowledge produced about disinformation to practical everyday issues, the project demonstrates that it is possible to identify, verify and combat news through access to quality information. A series of four videos interviewed experts, journalists, and society itself to listen to and understand these consequences and their consequences.

Check out the episodes:

What is fake news?

How does fake news affect politics?

Why has fake news changed journalism?

How do platforms and fake news affect your daily life?

Recursos investidos

Grant 2022: R$ 70.000,00