Ambiental Media


A Ambiental Mídia é uma startup brasileira de jornalismo científico, e liderada pelo jornalista Thiago Medaglia, que transforma conteúdo científico em Jornalismo inovador, atraente e acessível. Entre seus projetos estão visualização de dados e infografia; reportagens e artigos jornalísticos; relatórios, análises e policy briefs; vídeos para as redes sociais; fotografia documental e estratégias de disseminação de conteúdo.


Rio 60ºC
Computer Science, Events and Programs

‘Rio 60ºC – Climate Resilience and Extreme Events in the Marvelous City’ aims to mitigate the impacts of extreme weather events, especially storms, in Rio de Janeiro. In April 2024, Professor Mariza Ferro from UFF and journalist Thiago Medaglia from Ambiental Media will organize a two-day event at UFF.

The seminar will bring together experts from various fields to discuss climate resilience actions for vulnerable communities in the metropolitan region. Students, journalists, and community leaders will participate in a hackathon to develop solutions. This inaugural event aims to provide insights and gather partners for future initiatives, including a multimedia platform on climate resilience.

Recursos investidos

Grant 2024: R$31.800,00
The sea within me: connected ecosystems to strengthen ocean culture in Brazil
Geosciences, Journalism, Life Sciences

Brazil is widely known as one of the most biodiverse countries on the planet, but despite having a marine territory of 3.6 million km², much of the focus is on terrestrial ecosystems. Focusing on connectivity, the project involves creating two products: (i) a report on the threats to marine biodiversity in Brazil today, and (ii) a scientific, data-driven illustration narrating the journey of a PET bottle cap thrown into a river in the Northeast interior to the sea, showing the impacts along the way and at the final destination, where the cumulative effect of human actions results in multiple threats.

The illustration will be presented in an interactive report to be published by Ambiental Media.

Recursos investidos

Grant 2024: R$31.800,00
Cerrado, berço das águas do Brasil
Science outreach / Journalism

“Cerrado, berço das águas do Brasil” (Cerrado, Cradle of Brazil’s Waters) is a platform that will present data on the conservation status of Cerrado waters in an educational manner, using 3D maps, dashboards, images, and stories. The most biodiverse savanna on the planet houses eight of Brazil’s 12 hydrographic regions and three of its main aquifers. Despite being essential for the country’s water security, the Cerrado has been dubbed the “biome of slaughter” due to the increasing deforestation caused by soybean monoculture.

The grant also covers the production of the Capivara Post newsletter, featuring reports developed from the analysis of socio-environmental data, rich in data visualizations. The goal is to expand the reader community and engage the audience. With Serrapilheira’s support, we will produce and send ten smaller reports (five focusing on each biome), which will also be published on the Ambiental website.