Lab 37


O 37 Graus é um podcast que conta histórias reais relacionadas à ciência, sempre com uma perspectiva humana. Os episódios aproveitam as técnicas do storytelling e da comunicação sonora, retratando histórias e personagens por meio de cenas, ambientações, trilhas e entrevistas. Ele foi um dos seis projetos selecionados no Google Podcasts creator program, um edital que teve mais de 10 mil inscrições ao redor do mundo. Para amparar o 37 Graus e outros projetos, foi fundado o Laboratório 37, uma empresa de comunicação com foco em áudio.


Corpo Especulado
Science outreach / Podcast

Corpo especulado (Speculated Body) is an audio documentary series that explores the conflicting relationship between the female body and science, from guinea pigs to “hysterics”, from genetics to artificial intelligence. The podcast addresses historical problems based on current issues and characters, revealing gender, race, class and sexuality biases that have permeated scientific studies over the centuries and persist today.

Listen here.

Recursos investidos

Grant 2021: 220.000,00
37 Graus
Science outreach / Podcast

In the “37 Graus” (37 Degrees) podcast, biologist Sarah Azoubel and journalist Bia Guimarães reveal the science and stories behind Brazil’s landscapes, cultures and events, always with a human perspective. The topics are diverse and have already covered the invasion of boar–pig hybrid, the past and present of corn in Brazilian cuisine, the effects of climate on coral reefs, the Zika epidemic and even the use of dating apps. The episodes use storytelling and sound communication techniques, portraying stories and characters through scenes, settings, tracks and interviews. It was one of six projects selected in the Google Podcasts creator program, a call for proposals that received more than 10,000 entries worldwide. To support 37 Graus and other projects, Laboratório 37 was founded, a communications company focused on audio.

Recursos investidos

Grant 2018: R$ 100.000,00
Grant 2019: R$ 200.000,00
Grant 2022: R$ 230.000,00
  • Temas
  • 37 graus
  • divulgação científica
  • podcast
  • Podcast de ciência