Institutional Projects
Institutional Projects
In addition to the projects supported by the Science and Journalism and Media programs, Serrapilheira has been developing actions to promote scientific culture in different formats since 2018.
Fundamental Science Blog
On the Serrapilheira blog at Folha de S.Paulo, young scientists write about issues in their research areas in a relaxed tone.
Science Outreach
Serrapilheira Camp and Podcast Training
The initiative of the Journalism and Media Program combines a public call and an event with trainings offered to those selected.
Serrapilheira Retreats
Training, workshops and integration events for the scientists and communicators supported by the programs.
Serrapilheira Networks
Internal call for proposals to stimulate collaborations between scientists and science communicators.
Social Media
Chora, Negacionista
“Chora, negacionista” (Cry, negationist), a remote and free training aimed at influencers to empower them to produce reliable content.
Social Media
Zé Gotinha (Droplet Joe) for President
In 2022, we “launched” the presidential candidacy of Zé Gotinha (Droplet Joe), the iconic vaccination advocate.
Advocacy for Science
A series of interviews with national policy and science actors to identify the main challenges for science policy support.
Press Occupation: #ScienceInElections
Newspapers and bloggers provided space for scientists and opinion leaders to reflect on the role of science in Brazil’s reconstruction.
Social Media
Campaign #CientistaTrabalhando
Scientists and popularizers activated the hashtag “#CientistaTrabalhando” (#WorkingScientist) showing the behind-the-scenes of the scientific process.
Video Series
“Serrapilheira Challenge”, “Fundamental Questions”, and “Ways of Seeing” explores a variety of research, approaches, and questions in science.
Social Media
My science in one tweet
“#MinhaCiênciaEmUmTweet” (#MyScienceInOneTweet) invited Brazilian scientists to the challenge of explaining their research in a tweet.