Bazar do Tempo



Coleção Desnaturadas
Science outreach / Art

The “Coleção Desnaturadas” (Desnaturadas collection), edited by Bazar do Tempo with the coordination of Alyne Costa and Fernando Silva e Silva, aims to present to the Brazilian public works by foreign scientists and theorists from different fields of science and by young Portuguese-speaking researchers who establish they are a series of dialogues and reverberations. As a result, this set of unprecedented publications will highlight the fundamental role of women in the construction of scientific knowledge and an essential bibliography linked to urgent and mobilizing themes in contemporary debate.

Among the first books published were “Uma outra ciência é possível” (Another Science is Possible) by Isabelle Stengers, “Autobiografia de um polvo” (Autobiography of an Octopus) by Vinciane Despret, and “Um bilhão de Antropocenos negros ou nenhum” (A Billion Black Anthropocenes or None) by Kathryn Yusoff.

Recursos investidos

Grant 2022: R$ 55.000,00
Additive: R$ 9.000,00