NAV Reportagens


NAV é uma produtora de conteúdo em vídeo formada por jornalistas com passagens por grandes veículos de imprensa que decidiram contar outras histórias. Fatos que muitas vezes passam despercebidos pelo olhar dos veículos tradicionais. Evidenciando personagens e histórias do cotidiano para exemplificar tendências — locais e globais.


Ciência Suja
Science outreach / Podcast

The “Ciência Suja” (Dirty Science) podcast tells stories of scientific frauds that caused significant harm to society and shows how science solved these crimes. The project was created by the audiovisual producer NAV Reportagens, led by journalists Felipe Barbosa and Pedro Belo, along with journalists Thaís Manarini, Theo Ruprecht, and Chloé Pinheiro, who specialize in health and science. In 2023, Carolina Marcelino joined Theo as a presenter. Completing the team is Mirela Lemos, who joined in 2024 to manage social media and the community.

In 2024, there will be two seasons of narrative episodes, starting in May.

Listen here.

Recursos investidos

Grant 2020: R$ 50.000,00
Grant 2022: R$ 99.000,00
Grant 2023: R$ 200.000,00
Grant 2024: R$ 200.000,00
  • Temas
  • jornalismo
  • narrativas
  • podcast