NEXO jornal


O projeto visa ampliar o acesso à informação de qualidade sobre ciência e aumentar o conhecimento do público, principalmente jovem, sobre cientistas brasileiros. Em sua primeira fase, o jornal produziu uma série de 12 minibiografias de cientistas brasileiros históricos e 12 entrevistas com jovens cientistas da atualidade.


Cientistas do Brasil | Nexo Jornal
Science outreach / Podcast

Meet some of the great names in Brazilian science. In a series of 12 videos and interviews, the first phase of the project “Scientists from Brazil that you need to know” by Nexo Jornal introduced Brazilian researchers who have marked history and others who stand out in the present – from the doctor Oswaldo Cruz to the mathematician Artur Avila. In the second phase, the newspaper disseminated through a podcast the work of scientists in the country who carry out cutting-edge research and are recognized worldwide in their fields.

Recursos investidos

Grant 2018: R$ 100.000,00
Grant 2019: R$ 100.444,00
Ponto Futuro
Science outreach / Journalism

“Ponto Futuro” (Future Point) is a Nexo editorial session dedicated to thinking about possible futures based on themes that are key to transforming Brazil and the world in the coming years: Amazon, science, climate, public management and childhood. As the country recovers from the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and goes through decisive moments from a political, economic and social point of view, “Ponto Futuro” wants to bring debates, themes, data and discoveries that help to understand the challenges of the present and reflect on the direction of the coming years. The new editorial offers readers portraits of a Brazil in transformation and ways to make informed choices and be an agent of change. The content is produced by the Nexo team and newspaper collaborators.

Recursos investidos

Grant 2022: R$ 290.520,00
  • Temas
  • Cientistas do Brasil
  • divulgação científica
  • jornalismo
  • jornalismo científico