Sociedade Astronômica Brasileira

Plataformas digitais

A Sociedade Astronômica Brasileira (SAB) é uma entidade científica sem fins lucrativos fundada em 1974 com o objetivo de reunir e conectar astrônomos do país. Alguns de seus projetos são o AstroTubers, um canal no YouTube produzido por estudantes de pós-graduação, e a #AstroThreadBR, threads no Twitter que chegam a ter a mais de um milhão de visualizações.


Science outreach / Digital Media, Social media

The brightness of the stars, the explosion of the star Betelgeuse and the impact of Starlink satellites on Astronomy. These are some themes that will appear on the social media timeline. The “Astro+” (Star+) project, from the Brazilian Astronomical Society, takes concepts and debates about the study of astronomical physics to Twitter and YouTube through the Astrotubers channel and #AstroThreadBr. With young and relaxed language, postgraduate students guarantee scientific rigour while humanizing the image of researchers in the field on networks. The main objective is to include different audiences in the debate about the importance and impact of Brazilian science and remember that a career as a scientist is viable.

Recursos investidos

Grant 2019: R$ 100.000,00
  • Temas
  • astronomia
  • AstroTubers
  • divulgação científica