Silo – Arte e Latitude Rural


A Silo se dedica a acolher e a difundir projetos culturais em zonas rurais. A organização promove residências que reúnem expertises de artistas e cientistas para uma maior integração entre ciência e sociedade – entre elas o Interactivos?, que em 2019 promoveu duas semanas de imersão em arte, ciência e tecnologia, no interior do Rio de Janeiro, para o desenvolvimento de projetos multidisciplinares.


Silo – Arte e Latitude Rural
Science outreach / Art

Science, art and technology in rural areas and environmental conservation units. Silo – Arte e Latitude Rural (Silo – Art and Rural Latitude) aims to welcome and disseminate cultural projects outside large urban centres. The organization promotes residencies that bring together the expertise of artists and scientists for greater integration between science and society – including Interactivos?, which in 2019 promoted two weeks of immersion in art, science and technology in the interior of Rio de Janeiro for the development of multidisciplinary projects. Six scientific dissemination projects, covering everything from photosynthetic photography to biogas, were produced in the rural laboratory in Serrinha do Alambari (RJ), involving people from different profiles.

Recursos investidos

Grant 2018: R$ 100.000,00
Grant 2019: R$ 100.000,00
  • Temas
  • arte
  • Interctivos?
  • Zonas rurais