Bree Aldridge, Tufts Medical School
Miriam Amiran, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Yemane Asmerom, University of New Mexico
Pieter Baas, Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Roger Blandford, Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology e Stanford University
Don Bradshaw, The University of Western Australia
Fernando Brandão, Caltech (líder)
Fernanda Campello, VM Ware
Cristina de Campos, University of Munich
Brandi M. Cossairt, University of Washington
Stephen Craig, Duke University
Elizabeth Crosson, University of New Mexico
Sylvain Crovisier, Université Paris-Sud 11
Donald Dingwell, University of Munich
Sonia Esperanca, National Science Foundation (líder)
Patricia Florissi, Dell (líder)
Lohengrin Alexis Cavieres González, Universidad de Concepción
Ralph Isberg, Tufts Medical School
Dennis Kim, Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Harvard
Hans Lambers, The University of Western Australia (líder)
Fernando Codá Marques, Princeton University
Cesar dela Fuente Nunez, UPENN/Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Brad Olsen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (líder)
Tim van Opijnen, Boston College (líder)
Lisa Park-Boush, University of Connecticut
Leonid Polterovich, Tel Aviv University
Vasile Radoaca, Dell
Oded Rechavi, Tel-Aviv University (líder)
Yuriy Román-Leshkov, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Barak Rotblat, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Rotem Rubinstein, Tel-Aviv University
Mahesh Seshadri, Dell
Mara Shainheit, Towson University
Inna Sluzky, Tel-Aviv University
Takis Souganidis, University of Chicago
Maria Spiropulu, Caltech
Steve Todd, Dell
Thomas Torgersen, emeritus, National Science Foundation
Pedro Vieira, Perimeter Institute
Ilja Voets, Eindhoven University of Technology
Suzanne Walker, Harvard Medical School
Amie Wilkinson, University of Chicago (líder)
Ian Wright, Macquarie University
Omri Wurtzel, Tel-Aviv University